Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11039 (3. Oct. 2009 21:13) (All next previous)

Robert (videos by Robert) (pictures by Robert)
Not a quad, but....
Biff, I am sorry if I came across rude. I truly think that trick is amazing and I love watching good skating from any type of skater. I think you should post up any good pics or vids that you find. I guess I am just disappointed that inline skating has taken on their own scene. I think some of the skaters are so good and they could carry on the legacy of our sport. I did not mean to be a rollerskating snob and maybe it is just a young person thing and not even an inline thing. I have some good inline footage that I have been meaning to post and I will try to put it together for you.
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  • biffsk8er: Not a quad, but.... (2. Oct. 2009 07:34)
  • Go to the Vert-Skating-forum