Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11561 (1. Dec. 2009 04:52) (All next previous)

Jay (videos by Jay) (pictures by Jay)
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Also: Old Guys Invade Closed Skatepark Film at......
Hey Robert,
GPX (aka Ken), is a buddy of mine here in Vegas. If you had READ my original posting's text, I explained (& welcomed) GPX to the Forum. Though I do appreciate you having done so as well. GPX is good people. He, myself & another 4-wheeler who goes by "shoepad" (due to tongues of old shoes he put on outside of new shoes when he sk8s to protect them Kinda like my lace protectors & gorilla tape.LOL), are going to the still-closed Freedom Park this Thursday morning. Guerilla Grandpa Sesh 2!
Anyway, just in case GPX didn't get back to you, I wanted you to know. ALso you can hit him up on FB from my friends :Ken Coombs.
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  • Jay: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Also: Old Guys Invade Closed Skatepark Film at...... (26. Nov. 2009 03:59)
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