Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11881 (2. Feb. 2010 00:08) (All next)

Ott YMCA Tucson
Went to renew my monthly pass for Ott sk8park today@11am. You might remember some doubles video from Jay showing he and I in the clover shaped bowl there. I was told the new hours are M-F 5-9pm, Sat 9am-5pm and Sun 9-10am Adult only, 10am-5pm all sk8. As I prefer to sk8 Grom free (or at least Grom light) one hour a week was not an acceptable schedule. Plus as I stood at the counter in padded shorts, elbow pads,knee pads and wrist guards with my helmet and sk8s in hand - having just left another park 5 miles away - the clerk asks me " You didn't want to skate now, right?" No lady, I'm on my way to the movies and you know how dangerous that candy counter is. Needless to say I did not renew. Couple that with yet another park which allows inlines but bans quads, Continental Ranch in nearby Marana, this has been a tough week to find a place to roll. Yeah,yeah,yeah, I know everybody back east has little sympathy for me here in Tucson but remember.....You likely have a lot more time left to sk8 than this old timer. Now the damn captcha reads "New shiners". Crap, the old shiner from last weeks baseball game is jusy starting to fade. Still happy,warm and rollin' on a regular basis. Ben
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