Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13011 (7. Jul. 2010 12:08) (All next previous)

cephalopoid (videos by cephalopoid) (pictures by cephalopoid)
First runs in the spuybowl
: I really dig the fakie you do. I cant get that down for some reason.

I've learnt riding fakie at a small funbox-thing. Just relax, ride up a meter, then let your fakieleading foot(for some reason in my case it's the right foot, making riding fakie with a skateboard similar to inline and quads, as I ride regular) go behind you, lean on it and look behind your shoulder. In fact, it's a very comfortable stance with, at least theoretically, more stability.
IIRC, I once read pro inliners like landing fakie for the security and the credit given

My right toeguard didn't end up too badly. I'll catch the toeguards on film tonight, so you'll see how they ended up.
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  • cephalopoid: First runs in the spuybowl (5. Jul. 2010 00:34)
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