Vertical Rollerskating


Message 1303 (7. Jul. 2004 06:35) (All next previous)

Brian W (pictures by Brian W)
woodward contest
: ok let me clarify -
OK let me clear the air

the dates OCT 14-17 @ Woodward West, the contest will run during the Monsters of Roll event. It will be a contest for the sake of making interesting TV, it will be a jam because we will just have fun!!! The whole event will be televised on ESPN. Anyone who would like to skate in the event should contact me or Irene. I have not put this on the forum because I do not have all the details yet. Lodging is available in the area around the camp. The rollerskating event would be on the 16th. Registration information will be provided as soon as it is available. This is the first Vert Rollerskating event on American soil since the Raging Waters Pro/Am in '88 (if i am not mistaken)
or was that '89. We can have a vert division and street, what is everyone up for?

What to do? Contact every rollerskater you know of and get them to skate in this event, compile contact information of every rollerskater you know so we can get in touch, skate hard so we can make a good show!!!

: seem Brian w has the 411 on who and what - he is the only person I have heard has connections with Woodward W. I saw some mention in the posts below, I also know that I have offered to help w any coodination that needs to be done and I have still not been approached by Brian or anyone else who may have connections with the event people or the venue.
: I can only offer to help - if no one lets me know who to call or what needs to be done I can not be effective in helping this move forward.
: lee
: : : : PSW> whats going on at woodward west in october for the roller skateskaters is it a contest or a jam.
: : : yes - i can help coodinate things and stuff if need be
: :
: : That's like replying 'yes' to the question 'coffee or tea'? I think that william is none the wiser now. ;-)
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  • william: new skate park (3. Jul. 2004 07:06)
  • Go to the Vert-Skating-forum