| : I know my tricks are insignificant compared to others on this forum, but I am proud of what I can do, especially lip tricks, hehehe.
You have every right to be proud of yourself, especially after all you went through. And your tricks are significant and your riding would be significant even if you wouldn't do much in the direction of tricks. Just take care of yourself and don't get hurt.
: I didnt know I would ever go climbing again!!
Isn't it great to regain abilities you believed you had lost? I didn't know I would get my abilities to play the guitar when I broke my hand and I did, woo hoo!
: Hey Bernhard, I'll be 41 pretty soon, its really cool I can still learn new tricks!! I think this spring/summer I'll be cranking out a few videos that I can be pretty proud of.
I'm so happy for you! Hereabouts there is no skating, since the weather is wet and cold. At least I got back my motor bike from the garage. It broke down three weeks ago and the clutch had to be replaced, but now it is working again. Yippee!