Vertical Rollerskating


Message 14248 (4. Sep. 2011 02:04) (All previous)

cephalopoid (videos by cephalopoid) (pictures by cephalopoid)
Session in Ypenburg
: i really love this video! i wish i could pump that well and do fakie. i have to work on that. i think now that my plate will be longer that will be easier to do. keep posting!! your plates are very long up front too. does that make it hard to turn?

Have you tried dropping in fakie on a small quarter/funbox? Otherwise, you could try stalling frontside, then going back fakie into a line.
I owe my poolsurfing skills to that year I skateboarded, when I was thirteen, seven years ago.
Did you mean my wheelbase being as long as possible? Sure, it's harder to turn than shorter wheelbases, but that can be compensated with softer bushings. My bushings in the front are softer than those in the back, by the way. Toes have less leverage than heels.

Sorry for not posting a lot. The best excuse I can come up with is that I don't skate enough either.
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  • cephalopoid: Session in Ypenburg (1. Sep. 2011 16:45)
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