Vertical Rollerskating


Message 1433 (26. Oct. 2004 17:55) (All next previous)

irene (videos by irene) (pictures by irene)
Woodward Correctional Insitute
: : : Warden Blood supervising inmate Duke ...
: :
: : (out of range, so you can't see) the rest of us are scrubbing the coping with our toothbrushes, supervised by "the Dentist"
: We just don't want to show the really nasty stuff. The combination "coping", "toothbrush" and "dentist" is just too scary ...

Let's not forget to throw in some "blood" .....booooo
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  • Bernhard: Woodward Correctional Insitute (22. Oct. 2004 23:32)
  • Go to the Vert-Skating-forum