Vertical Rollerskating


Message 1448 (8. Nov. 2004 08:57) (All previous)

Bernhard (videos by Bernhard) (pictures by Bernhard)
: I have soo many thoughts about each person and every event that it would take a small book to get them all out.

I guess all of us are very keen on this book! ;-)

: Hey Bernhard " Selpst ist der man!"

You still remember this one! Great! "Selbst ist der Mann!" Go for it!

: Well bye for now. I get to go skating today with Fred, Lee and Ho Ho Joe.

You lucky guys. The weather here is so humid and cold that it is hardly possible to skate anymore. Last weekend was an exeption, however. I had a nice session with four local skateboarders on the Landwasser ramp in Freiburg (the one where we do our Hot LaWa contests). One of them is also quite good on rollerskates. He can be talked into skating on them every few years or so. ;-)

Take care!

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