| : Hi Zorg,
: : Yes it's me, you can find more (mainly videos) on
: :
: : loic-martinez.club.fr
: I have a link to zorgdotnl.ifrance.com/zorgdotnl
: on my resources page. The two pages seem to be almost identical. Shall I replace the link on the resource page by the link to loic-martinez.club.fr?
As ifrance.com seems reliable again, I have updated (today...) the news and video pages of http://zorgdotnl.ifrance.com/zorgdotnl/, so you can let it as it is on your ressource page for diffusion.
I try to use loic-martinez.club.fr for testing and for large files I cannot put elsewhere.
Thank you very much for your help
PS: the image browsing is a very nice idea!!
Mr Zorg @ Dr Martinez