| OK, lets see all the schemes u suggested:
Theese ones
they are not real rollerskates, i donno what is this, they looks cool but tye dont have a rweal roller skateboardlike trucks. I donno how do they turn.
As for rollergirl's skates
I donno, why do they have theese stoopers on aggressive models? Do they need this? LOoks stuped for an aggresive skates!
Streetwise model dont have any slide plate. Vertigo and Sensei models do has them, but their shape is wrong. As far as i know the shape should be like on the inlines slide plates. And sttheese toppers looks useless.
As for theese skates,
they looks better, but they looks like handmade, and why do they has leather belts on front?
Please, cooment all that i said about theese models.
And why dont u use rgular inline aggresive wheels with square profile?