| : Hi Rob,
: good to see you here. You are right: There aren't lots of us vert skaters left. But many more than I feared when I put up my very first web page in 1999. The page on "How to build a vertical roller skater" which is also available on this site
: I'd never have dreamed that this forum would become so vibrant with high quality people when I started it (Brian Wainwright encouraged me to do it back then).
: Tobi Reif has collected some very useful infos on truck on his roller skating site.
: A good bet for ACS trucks is EBay. I recall that Irene got her's via EBay.
: Keep on ripping!
: Bernhard
hey guys ! thanks for the replies and website ! Lets keep the Vert Vibe Alive !! this is really appreciated !
take care