| : Well, hawaiisurf seems to be selling some bases for vert/street, they seem okay, and well, since I don't really have that much money to spend I might try those out.
: I was just wondering if anyone has tried those yet, and how they are.
: link:
: http://www.hawaiisurf.com/asp/home.asp?Id_Art=4997&Id_Rub=1&Id_Sous_Rub=16&Id_Rub_Active=62
: I could make my own baseplates and get some trucks, but I won't be able to beat that price. I already have boots and such, but that's the only thing missing.
Sorry I havent tryed those, for those wondering (link no longer works), this is it http://www.hawaiisurf.com/reference.php?rf=1989