| : : The rest just look at me confused.
: Which is a GOOD THING. Most people try just to learn the rules by which they can get through life. You show them that not all is set in stone!
: : Most the time its inliners, but I'm trying to make friends with all of them except that one dork.
: Let him be. He's particularly entrenched in his narrow world view. Quite well possible that he never catches up.
Honestly tho, I think this kid is HELPING me! I think I'll be better cause of it. But I talked to the skateboarders and they also said yeah, he talks too much lol. So he is working on getting beat up one day I'm sure!
: : Should I bring photos to show them that yeah, people do aggressive ROLLER skate, grinds and all, or is there something else I can say?
: I often told them that I was using those roller skates because I cannot walk very well and the doctor subscribed me those training wheels until I got better.
LOL, thats funny! Good one.
: : Most of the skateboarders dont say anything or think I have really cool skates, especially when I point out how we both have trucks.
: You can tell those that it's just like two skateboards and therefore twice as good. You can also point them to the roller skates of Holger Sander
: : It would be cool though if I could be good on both sides and maybe help bring us more so together, that we are all just here to skate.
: I see it this way too. But to those guys it's important to have their peer group which is different from others. "We are the good ones, those are the bad ones". Yuck!
: : I guess there is such pressure at that age to fit in and follow the norm that I'm really throwing them off!
: Only too true!
Seems to be more pressure nowadays to conform. Kids never think for themselves anymore it seeems.
When I was that age, I still did my own thing! I guess I was just oblivious to what others thought or too much into my own little world that I didnt even know what was the norm lol. I'm adhd. My friend I skate with at the rink was mentioning how she thought I would love competiting since I'm such an extrovert and probably would love the attention. I donno about that. Like I said, I'm just oblivious to others when I'm' having so much fun lol! I'm in my own happy world. Sometimes I look up and realize that everyone is watching me and think, oh, theyre staring at me lol.........