| : I do think I have it but lemme make sure I've got it one more time. So the center line is the same for normal or full length trucks right? I was told for speed/art boots you find the center at the heel and at the largest part of the ball of the foot then draw a line.
I've heard similar things. And we also had the discussion as to where to align the plates in front and in rear. Probably there is an advantage for speed skates to get a better push where centering them more on the inside. I think what's an advantage on speed skates is more of a disadvantage for ramp skating. There you don't get your speed from an outward stroke and you balance the centering more for stability than for maximum outward stroke efficiency.
You don't even need to have you skates strictly aligned with your feet if you do not ride parallel. Side stance rider Holger Sander deliberately has his skates aligned in a way that the strain on his legs is lessend.
I think what't really important is to get your trucks aligned if you use skateboard trucks. If you don't, you skate will always go in a curve which is not good.