| Its 4AM here but I'm on a mission. :-D I think this is the best I can do to center them. The plate goes to the middle of my second toe. I will drill into the stitching on the outside as it is. I hope that is OK???? Unless I drill new holes into the plastic which I dont want to do. And since I'm used to it going to the middle of the big toe, think it will be OK? I will drill later. I'm making a wooden foot so I dont drill my boot. I need sleep though lol. My hands will be fine, thanks Bernhard!!
: Sometimes it's hard to pry a plate from a dead shoe or a nice show from the cold clutch of an old ice skate. But it has to be done, yesssiree! I hope your hands recover fast. Must be late in the night where you live! It's 9:48 am here.