Vertical Rollerskating


Message 3405 (21. Sep. 2007 17:35) (All previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
Pics, pics, pics

: That's very considerate of you.

If I'm ever not considerate, let me know! Sometimes I get too excited lol. This is my favorite site. :-D

: Probably a digital compact camera. Those are often very sluggish. 30 years old compact cameras are often very much snappier. I took the pics from the Green Ramp Jam with such a camera (an Olympud XA 3). I love those cameras!
Its just old. It jams up so a lot of times I need to take the batteries out, let it reset itself, then try again. I can only get 1-2 pictures taken at a time. It delays a lot too. Just need a new camera.

: : Can you delete old information if it starts to get full?
: Well, I can, but it would break my heart of course. ;-)
: The bottom line is: It is a pain uploading pics to this site and it is impossible to upload pics which exeed a certain size in KBytes. But it helps keeping the site running. And yes: Keep those pics coming!

My brother is a computer geek. I'll ask him if he has ideas!
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  • Robert: Pics, pics, pics (21. Sep. 2007 04:27)
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