| Claudine, you crack me up. I have never seen someone so enthusiastic as you. I think it is so great that you are over 30 years of age and getting into vertical rollerskating. I am guessing you will turn out to be a top skater. If I did not do this sport at the age of 12 years old, I would not be doing it now. Just because it is so much harder on our bodies and learning from scratch is not easy. I used to have a trick where I would do a hand stand and hold it for several seconds and come back in fakie, which was a set up trick for a front flip. It can be quite easy, but looks pretty good.
: I had fun at the gym today. My leg is about healed. Found out its only sore on the leg press machine so guess its a jumpin muscle. But its OK to land on. So doing handstands, roundoffs, etc. on the mats there. I want to be able to hold the handstand for a good bit. I hold it about 3 sec. now before it turns into a cartwheel or backbend. How do you hold it? I used to kick up against the wall, then push up to the ceiling to pull away, but if I do it freely, I do it with bent legs and an arched back cause its easier. Any ideas? I do it flat handed and gently kick up. Or do I need to do exercises first? Working on lifting weights now.
: I want to try some on the ramps too. Just kicking up now and landing fakie halfway up. I guess to do it and come down normally, its like a round off where you twist your body, put hands facing down the ramp, do a cartwheel/round off, pick up hands and head and head on down? When I get this down move up?
: I want to get them strong on ground first so later I can do full extensions on the coping. Any hints would be appreciated.
: Yes, handplant before stalls, lol, silly me. :-P