Vertical Rollerskating


Message 3822 (25. Oct. 2007 20:32) (All previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
Bouncing shoes
Yes, doing it is best. The spectators can see the joy and smile on my face. the thrill! I dont expect anything other then joy from it. I am going to put stuff together, how to's, in case someone else might want to learn to make it easier or just to help me lol. Skating is it though!!

Its also in roller derby big time. Hurting others isnt me and thats the focus of the derby image. I like to play hard and push myself to my own limits, but harm noone in the process. I dont want to be a member of a team called "Haters". I hate noone. Thats media though. I'll stay out of it if so.

: : To me the focus is on the challenge, the FEELING, the ride, the thrill, the freedom, the speed.
: You got the point. I have come to the conclusion that you only "get" it by doing it. Therefore more roller skaters skating will be good for us, people not skating but wanting to "build the sport" or to "train the athletes" or "do the headlines" will ultimately hurt it. They are not in it for the reason you summarized so nicely in above sentence. You will never get the FEELING by not feeling it.
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