| Hang in there doodette,and ifn you do get to travel, come to Oz, were always happy to see new skaters,and show em around,and you'd be safe,,we,re all married with kids
cheers joe
: Well, I keep telling myself everything works out for the best in the long run. Its usually true. Some things seem bad now but better is in store cause of it. So I think this just means web is what I should pursue. Admin jobs arent bad. They are easy so I can focus on my classes. I think my job self esteem right now is about as low as it can go. And this means I wont have much leah way yet with money. I've only gone on vacation one time my whole adult life. So it will be longer......darn, I was hoping to have money to travel to skate one day soon.
: : : Well, no word yet from the interview so I assume I dont have the job.
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: : I keep wishing the best for you. When I don't get a job, I sometimes tell me that it might have been better so. Not every working environment is good for you.
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: : : I will look next week into an admin. job and pursue web til I get my foot in the door. Wow, its getting scary now just trying to pay rent so I need a job soon.
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: : I know this situation although it has been some time.