: Oh wow Irene, you did an awesome job!! Mine weigh an ounce or so more lol. And you have wider hangers, really good job.
: So why crap bearings? I would think the swiss ones you had would be faster. I need faster bearings. I think I will try the Missiles. Mine are crap literally lol.
: And your baseplates. Did you drill a hole between them so you could attach them to the heel? With mine, if my kingpin ever breaks, if I cant get plastic ones it will be hard. I love my trucks and know I cant go wider cause I would seriously lock wheels if I did. My plates and trucks will probably not change til I die. I might move the center of my sliders closer to the front. Thats it for changes for me for my skates I think. I'm pretty darn happy with mine.
: So when you bail in a bowl, do you pump out too? I dont like the toe stops. They get in the way on the humpty-humps.