Vertical Rollerskating


Message 4625 (31. Dec. 2007 03:45) (All previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
I've never carved yet lol, thats my question. But looks like Tues. it will rain, and maybe tomorrow the sun will be out enough to give it a try. I'm really stoked on this bowl cause its not too far, no tolls, and its FREE!!

I start work Wed. I am hoping to have some vacation and money saved by next Aug. I think several vert roller skaters will go to Roller Con and they have daily sessions at the bowls there. I will save up and sleep in a closet or the floor or the bathtub there if I have too lol. I just want a few sessions and to see all the US skaters rip it upl! I'm single and my friends my age are old and tired so roller skating is what I look forward too and makes life so freakin FUN. I've skated everyday the last week. My legs are tired but if the suns out, I wanna roll one more time before its back to the grind.

: You always crack me up. Unless you plan on doing a trick, just carve. It would make me so happy to fly out there and try to help you. I am going to spend the next six months actually skating well and then maybe I will come out and give you a hand. Right now I am not much of a role model. I hate long flights and driving, but I may bite the bullet and hook up one of these days. Who in this forum would be willing to travel somewhere and meet up? I think we all have to meet up somewhere. I don't think New York, Maryland, Los Angeles or Oregon is out of the question. Sorry to the Euopeans and Ozzies, but you live way too far for a short trip. Who can manage a weekend trip?
: : I found out the bowl here has lights, and its not too far from work so if there are people out there it stays open til 9pm!! And there is a drain so 24 hrs after a rain, its good to roll.
: :
: : The bowl is pretty mellow. Its about a 4 1/2 foot roll in and the other side is no more then 6 feet tall with flat coping. So I think I"m ready! But still havent really learned how to carve. How should I start out? Its not a big bowl, small kidney shaped where I have to carve left, not my strong side. Should I go in and hit the wall like a halfpipe first then start to make arcs? Or should I go in and work my way out first? Its not scary now just new.
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  • claudine: bowls? (30. Dec. 2007 21:56)
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