| SWEEEEEEETNESS! What did you use to trim the plates? So are you sliding all over the pool coping now?
This year must be a year for LOVE!!!! I love my new job, thats amazing! I love my skates to death! I put stoppers on them and I really love them! I figured there is no way in hell I will get out of a bowl without them. I love the harder smaller wheels. I put my old ones on today and they were slow and bulky, slow to accelerate, heavy and awkward. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE bowl riding, woo-hoo! I'm in total love...............awwwwww shux! Wow, who woulda thought that life would get so good for me?
Hey Irene, can you send me a NYC sticker sometime? Thats cool!
: : ...my new skates.
: :
: : I replaced the Indy 109mm hangars with the 3.0 Krux hangars into their rightful Krux baseplates and that straightened out my see-saw, teeter-totter problem.
: : Now they are riding fabulously. Much more stable feeling and it didn't take long to get used to the wide trucks. They weigh just under 4 pounds, slightly less than my old setup. The wheelbase is about 1 inch longer. Carving on these, you can really lean into it and the trucks can be alot looser now, too.
: : Thanks to everyone for the inspiration and motivation to get this done.
: : Keep on rollin'