Vertical Rollerskating


Message 4753 (16. Jan. 2008 04:23) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
I'm in love with...
SWEEEEEEETNESS! What did you use to trim the plates? So are you sliding all over the pool coping now?

This year must be a year for LOVE!!!! I love my new job, thats amazing! I love my skates to death! I put stoppers on them and I really love them! I figured there is no way in hell I will get out of a bowl without them. I love the harder smaller wheels. I put my old ones on today and they were slow and bulky, slow to accelerate, heavy and awkward. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE bowl riding, woo-hoo! I'm in total love...............awwwwww shux! Wow, who woulda thought that life would get so good for me?

Hey Irene, can you send me a NYC sticker sometime? Thats cool!

: : new skates.
: :
: : I replaced the Indy 109mm hangars with the 3.0 Krux hangars into their rightful Krux baseplates and that straightened out my see-saw, teeter-totter problem.
: : Now they are riding fabulously. Much more stable feeling and it didn't take long to get used to the wide trucks. They weigh just under 4 pounds, slightly less than my old setup. The wheelbase is about 1 inch longer. Carving on these, you can really lean into it and the trucks can be alot looser now, too.
: : Thanks to everyone for the inspiration and motivation to get this done.
: : Keep on rollin'
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  • ireNe: I'm in love with... (16. Jan. 2008 00:48)
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