| was too cloudy for the eclipse :-(, but still dry for the next days!!!!
next week is snowboarding for me and my family in Chatel (very close to Switzerland)
: So now eclipse here. It will snow/rain through Sat and I'm going through adrenaline withdraw! :-( HELP! *wink-wink* lol. Gotta use my girl power!! :-D
: : :
: : : : No plateform for a rope I dont think. But I can smile pretty and bat my eyes and the nice skateboarder dudes send down their skateboard and lend me a truck. ;-D
: : :
: : : hehe!!
: : : girl tricks ;-), it's not fair!!!
: :
: : You could try it, too. But it probably will be of no use when no one is around to see you batting your eyes ... ;-)
: :
: : : btw if there are no guy around tonight, there is a full moon eclipse to watch, don't miss it!!! ;-)
: : :
: : : http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/home/15357796.html
: :
: : Pretty exciting!