| : Hey Claudine my wife has a shop that specializes in new age stuff like cd's, books,crystals and therepies and although I dont go for a lot of that stuff I have found Bowen therapy to be fucking amazing.It is a hands on modality and not such a spiritual thing (I dont go for the spiritual thing much)and my wife has also done some Theta healing on my shoulders when nothing else has worked and blown me away too.The Theta stuff is very spiritual but fuck me it works a treat.
: I say skate when the weather and time lets you,only let your injuries control how hard you skate.
: cheers joe
I havent heard of that but it seems like its massage too? I'm going to do it to myself. I figure it will help circulation at least. Today I was on my skateboard and noone told me that 46mm will send me on my ass the first time I hit a pencil lol. Well, now my bottom is sore. No pads on, goofy me lol. :-D