Vertical Rollerskating


Message 565 (27. Jan. 2003 03:14) (All next previous)

RollerSkater Dave (videos by RollerSkater Dave) (pictures by RollerSkater Dave)
Video Conversion-Tech Questions

Irene wrote:

Q: What type of file format works for you guys? Or, what type of file can you view? I can try to get the video footage converted into something you can view. If it's too large to email, I can send it to you all on a CD. Does it have to be cross platform, or do you have a preference for Mac or PC?

Avi, mpeg, wmf, or mov all work for me. If it's fairly large maybe someone has some server space we can use. I've got about 20 mb available on the outdoor quadder site for files.

RS Dave

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