Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5663 (29. Apr. 2008 05:39) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
Back to skating!
: : Yesterday was my first skate day in a month. I'm still injured, but the swelling has gone down some, the pain is almost gone and there is some flexibility. I just rolled easy in a parking lot with a nice small hill. It was AWESOME! I hope to heal more to try landsdowne next week and hopefully the bowls the week after. I'm sure it will be a month before I can do any lip tricks again but really happy to roll again.
: :
: : I rode my longboard first and can do some kickturns now while rollin. That Vew-Do board is very helpful! But still not as comfy on the board as my skates. I run off it if it gets going too fast where my skates, no problem! But I love those randall trucks!! They are so turny. Just get wobbly when I start to go fast but I need to learn how to control speed wobbles better or tighten them down?
: :
: : Then I spent most my time on my new street/vert roller skates. They skate incredibly well! I'm very happy with them. :-D Just a little squeaky so I think I need to add oil to the new pivot cups, what type? Did some slalom and laps, raced a bit. My hip is a touch stiff and swollen today but seems OK. I think I will roll 3 times a week now til its healed. I"m dying to roll the bowls again but happy just to roll.
: Glad to hear you're rollin again!
: Stretch and massage that lump outta yur butt ;-)

Pray for sunshine tomorrow afternoon! I might sneak over to the skatepark across the street cause those flat ramps arent nutin right lol? ;-D

Crap, I'm an addict! I'm feeling the 360s, soon, real soon, handplants, back stalls, wanna slide the coping too. My legs are bouncing lol. Shoot, no more plastic up my a$$ hahahaha! Actually, its not funny....... Its down to a small plum now but I think it will still take time to disappear. I like my new war pads though. :-D
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