Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5890 (31. May. 2008 21:30) (All next)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
pro-designed vs. hillbilly half-ass gloves
Any comments? I was at the skatepark and the guy had pro-designed. The plastic was flexible so that it wouldnt cut into my arm if I had a bad fall. I have a rigid hard black plastic piece in these hired hands which caused me more injury. I am not sure but I might never get back movement in my arm again, I'm very worried. My hand is twisted inward and not really getting any more movement back. I dont know what the symptoms are of a full rupture of a tendon or ligament, but I read without medical care I can be disabled perminently. Since it wasnt swollen much, I dont think its this severe but I dont know for sure. I miss skating a lot anyhow and if the pain goes away I want to roll and hopefully find something safer.
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  • claudine: pro-designed vs. hillbilly half-ass gloves (31. May. 2008 21:30)
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