Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5962 (7. Jun. 2008 02:56) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
testing ability to post videos
How R U Bernhard? How did the surgery go? I will most likely get medical coverage next month and then I will take care of my arm. I am trying to find a 2nd job so I can pay for my basics since I cant afford this. I dont want to be disabled tho. Hope you are ok.

Biff, love your stuff! I think I've posted this video myself already. I guess with medical I can skate with a cast on. One more month.

: Hey BiffSk8er,
: great to see you here. I have also added a link to your YouTube section to the resources page. Great stuff! Also nice of you to post all those pics and videos here, so they git indexed in the image browser and in the video browser. I like your stuff!
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  • Biffsk8er: testing ability to post videos (6. Jun. 2008 22:21)
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