Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5970 (7. Jun. 2008 10:24) (All next previous)

Bernhard (videos by Bernhard) (pictures by Bernhard)
Pictures of new skates
: I'll try to save these as just jpeg to see if this will work. I think it is already a jpeg, so how do I make it a smaller jpeg??

You need some kind of image processing program. Gimp is a free one, but it also is quite powerful, having lots of additional functionality. With this image processing program, you would change the size of the picture. A width of about 800 pixels usually is completely sufficient for the web. You shouldn't compress it too much (JPEGs can also be reduced in file size by compression) since the pic will start to look fuzzy.
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  • Biffsk8er: Pictures of new skates (6. Jun. 2008 20:46)
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