Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5993 (9. Jun. 2008 19:52) (All previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
a little fun finally....
: : I was going to sell my scooter since I feel very silly on it now. But I rode it yesterday so it was wonderful! I could feel the right muscles working, dang my calves and low back ached so good! I was sk8n it outside the park too. The guys didnt make fun of me since they knew I just wanted to roll somehow and respected me for that. I guess its not good for you big guys but I could roll on it fine. I hit my pushing foot on the wheel one time and had to grab with my right hand which really hurt, but otherwise it was safe rolling. I am liking the vew-do board a lot too. I put that in the hallway so if I fall I will only smash my ass or head lol.
: :
: : I am wondering if I should get the regular pro-designed elbows? I tried on a pair of my boyfriends and I only have maybe a max of 3" of my arm left on each side and the sides of it would be within 2" of each other. If I land sideways and DONT ever put my hands out again, wont I slam my elbows?
: :
: : Yes, a little pre-occupied with protection here but this injury is a financial disaster. Looks like after I get it looked at and can move, I can take an evening//weekend job at the organic market to pay back my debts. I am well liked there and they are willing to hire me, even if I am a one armed gimp. No news of any more movement so unless it improves, I will be going to the dr pretty soon.
: good on you, i am certain that you are well liked by everyone you come in contact with. im glad you havent lost your sense of humour, otherwise youd have to give the game away.
: i took the longboard in a little old bowl the other day, i managed to carve and kickturn fairly easily. i liked the bit about being able to jump off especially.
: be patient and just ease back into it, im sure the other sk8ters wont wear the bowl out in your absence.
: cheers, h .
Well after my value is increased, I will work on the skateboard mostly for awhile. I guess I will have to learn patience. I promised myself no bowl til it back 100% and I have some sick/vacation and medical. I like the way I can run off the board too. But until its fixed I'm laying pretty low. Anyone want to donate a Tony Hawk video game for poor me lol? ;-D As long as I'm breathing, isnt life about a bit of fun?
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