| so you shoulder is locked? Try to recolect if from your injury, it has gotten worse in pain, amplitude, etc, If you are several weeks from it, you should think about seeing a good doctor, at least to determine what is wrong with your arm/shoulder. Once you know, you can plan. I know it might be painful for your bank account, but put in balance that in good shape, you can live, work (and skate) much more easily!
: I hope you are right but I cannot rotate my arm at all still. I can only move my wrist and elbow. I cant even turn my arm to get change. I hope you are right! If its crooked, I'm ok, just want it to work and have food and shelter still. I am in more pain now then when I injured it. I get deep stabbing pains that last 20 mins and the ice doesnt help, just pressure. But then my hand swells up like a baloon. I can post more ugly pics of that but I'm sure noone would want to see it.
: : Your arm doesn't look bad to me!!? compare with the other one? expect some diff, as we are not 100% symetrical, especially if you didn't use one, your muscles vanish very fast.
: : If some bones were broken and now "welded" again, by rubbing it with your finger were you suspect the broken spot, you should feel a small "welding over joint". If your 2 arms function the same way, with the same joint amplitude, with no pain, well, go skating!!!!!!
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: : Cheers
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: : : I dont think an arm should look like this. I think I'm fucked up! God I hope they can rebreak it. I really hope I am wrong.