Vertical Rollerskating


Message 6107 (25. Jun. 2008 14:04) (All next previous)

ufra (videos by ufra)
: : Two weeks ago I dropped into our 13.5 ft X-games ramp and now I am feeling very comfortable doing it on a regular basis. This weekend I dropped into our combi pool and figured out a pretty descent line. Today, I joined a lot of pros and really good skaters on the halfpipe. I guess it was just finally time and I tried my first front flip in sixteen years. The first one sucked really badly and I hit my head and slammed. The second one was pretty good, but I did not land it. I am stoked because I am finally at the point to start trying my old tricks. If I can stay healthy, then my skating is about to improve a lot. I think I am finally mentally ready. I plan on doing front and back flips along with layback airs int he next few weeks. Wish me luck.
: Rip it up dood and bring on the footage.
: cheers joe

Hi, guys. Where is the X-games Ramp? Can you give me the directions? Thanks
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  • Robert: Progressing (25. Jun. 2008 07:42)
  • Go to the Vert-Skating-forum