Vertical Rollerskating


Message 6401 (6. Aug. 2008 11:45) (All next previous)

h.ludi. (pictures by h.ludi.)
Let's get some pictures
: i love them too. i promise 2 post them when im healed but that wont b til nov. and i will have 2 start slow again, sorry. i want some too just because i hope in a few more weeks 2 b able 2 paint. i want a vert rollersk8r triptic on my wall! i would like 2 get everyone on this forum if possible. i certainly will post. i just get sk8boarders now too.
: btw, what sk8r forum do u go on? my bf likes bulldog.
: : Hi all,
: :
: : I would love to see some more pics of everyone skating. I have been taking a lot of skateboarding pictures lately and am loving photography. We need people to start posting pics on a regular basis. I belong to a skateboard forum and I am the only rollerskater. I get a lot of shit, but it is always in fun. I am on the verge of trying some of my old tricks. The mental block is terrible and I realize i just need to spend the day trying the same trick over and over till I get it. I hope to post some pics soon, but I would love to see all of you ripping. Please post some pics.
: :
: : Robert

we are lucky down here, whenever there is a skatejam we get our own catergory, bowlerskating.
because we nuber so few we all get a trophy.

we are passed deepest winter, weather will slowly improve, more chance of us posting soon.
last attempt to post pics f d up because of pic size. if same occurs will send to you claudine.

ps i knew you wouldnt last 3 months, i hope your on the mend. cheers , h .

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  • Robert: Let's get some pictures (6. Aug. 2008 06:15)
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