Vertical Rollerskating


Message 7201 (19. Nov. 2008 02:54) (All next previous)

Robert (videos by Robert) (pictures by Robert)
vertmont sesh#1
That was so awesome. Your skating was great! I need to skate with someone like you and a ramp like that. I think it would really help me get some tricks back.

: : Here is a bit of our Vertmont sesh from last week.Pulled my first mktwist in8+ years.Enjoy.
: nice sesh, love the sound of a metal ramp, great weather and sky....killer mctwst, u dudes rip!
: winter's in nyc early, reports of snow in the area today...i'd probably have better luck finding vert on a mountain. go figure???
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  • joe90: vertmont sesh#1 (18. Nov. 2008 08:24)
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