| Hey Claudine, thanks for the expert input. I'm sure there are burlier pads out there.....I've actually got a pair of crash pads for my wife (which she won't be using for AWHILE!) which have plastic shells like knee/elbow pads on the exterior of the shorts over the interior pads. She loves 'em when she uses 'em. But for me, I'm always looking for that happy medium between protection & reasonably comfortable. Right now, I'm digging the 888's. Glad to hear about the smaller cast......still waiting for NO Cast, but it's a process, I know.
: i consider myself a butt pad expert lol. of all the premade ones, the 888 offer the LEAST protection. get the crashpads. they dont compress as much and protect you twice as much. i think i got these but cut out the pads and rearranged them as i didnt need them on the thighs and such. i basically moved all the pads around to where i needed them. http://crash-pads.com/product.aspx?dept=skate&style=2500
: or better yet, get motorcycle pads and create ur own. these are my favs. the one on the bottom. the ones on the top turned out to give me a huge hematoma that lasted for 3+ months....
: http://www.stonescape.net/~claudine/butt_pads.html
: : : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9sN15bUCzo
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: : Hey All.
: : I just got a pair of 888 Crash Pads last week that go under your SK8 shorts & I LOVE 'em. I'd been using a football "girdle" for about the last 3 or 4 years...it was better than nothing, but not even in the same league as these Triple Eight Crash Pads. Thighs, Hips, Tailbone all covered nicely!
: : BTW: Finally got a pic of the long-awaited 1 handed inverts...
: : http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk11/jaytherollerskater/1HandwithaGrab.jpg
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: : http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk11/jaytherollerskater/1HandNoGrab.jpg
: :
: : My apologies if any of these images don't work....I always seem to require more than one try to post on your site Bernard. I'm just a techno-idiot....Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend.
: :