Vertical Rollerskating


Message 7275 (1. Dec. 2008 02:10) (All next)

Jay (videos by Jay) (pictures by Jay)
Old Pic
JayTheRollerSkater,Kirk Starrett

Hey All,
Hope everybody's had a Great weekend. I was finally able to upload this old pic of me & my boy Kirk (the guy who got me into ramp skating about 15 years ago) doing our signature trick, the 100/100. I know I've showed you guys a pic of me doing this trick with my buddy Ian. But that's just Ian doing a stall & me stalling on his board then hopping back in. Cool, but not as cool as the Original. Kirk & I would do it as an actual grind. He'd drop in, I'd drop right behind him, he'd get into 50/50 BS Grind & I'd air onto a stall on his moving board, hopping off before he lost his lateral momentum. Lots of fun. We actually learned/invented that trick on my old Vert was harder on mini to get the timing right, but that's what this pic is from. Sorry. I know...I ramble.
Keep Rollin' or Healin'
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