| : Hi Bernhard, still in this moment I finished a telefoncall to Martin. Yes, he remembers you very well, he told me about the green ramp and stuff like this. He excuses himself for not writting back to you and this forum directly but within the next weeks we have in appointement here at my home. Then he promised me to bring along some good old (and maybe new?) photostuff and he affirmed me, that he is still Rollerskating :) So be prepared for some nice pics within the next weeks
Great! I would love to have enough material of Martin to add a page about him to this site. Can you ask him if he wants to do anb interview?
: : I don't remember I've we have met in some place. Do you know Arne and Lars Languth?
: Yes, shure, I know them, I met them once personally, I think it was about those days where the monster mastership took part in münster in 1989 or 1990. We smoked a big bucket alltogether, I think theres has been also Helge Tscharn, another brilliant rollerskater from the older days. But I definitively don't now, what they're doing now? But maybe you have heard about the Porno Twins? In memory here is a spectacular Interview taken from I thin the fifth issue of the monster magazin in 1987, I never read with less information, but who cares :) Enjoy
Thanks for the interview! The twins skated a show in Freiburg some 300 m from the place where I lived in those days in Freiburg. It was some big inline promotion tour (I've still got a t-shirt) about 10 years ago.
BTW.: On aaturday I visited Bonn to take some pictures of the RhEINKULTUR Vert Jam. And guess whom I met there? Yep: Holger Sander who participated in the skateboard contest. But he also skated on his crazy roller skates. I hope I will have some pics of those on this site (in some weeks, maybe).