Vertical Rollerskating


Message 7922 (30. Jan. 2009 23:08) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
Send Positive Vibes To Biff Today!!!
Wow, already walking some? Looks great! I wasnt supposed to put weight on it for 2-3 days, use a crutch, but on the 3rd, I walked down the mall with it lol. I got too bored....

The bending after it heals will hurt, but do it! Takes months but the pain will go away if you break down the scar tissue. Mine FINALLY is ok and I got back full mobility in my knee. Stability takes a long time too. Glad you have stuff to do! I went swimming today. I rank that tops for rehab exercises. My arm got lots of exercise today and ironically feels better after swimming. I actually find it more fun then stationary bike because at least I am moving...... I'm going tomorrow! Everything is more fun coming back too. Keep it elevated for now! I hope you dont have an inch of ice covering everything like here. I'm lucky I havent fallen yet, only ice skated lol.

: Thank you so much, Jay! This thread has made my day much lighter and promising. I'm posting a pic of my leg. I hope it loads right.
: Surgery went well, as far as I can tell. They cleaned up some torn meniscus that they found, as well as reattached my torn quad tendon. They mentioned one other thing, which I forget what it was called. The quad tendon damage was new, the other stuff was from old injuries!
: I'll start icing my leg today (Friday), and I'll be taking the brace off from time to time in order to bend the knee up to 20°. I'm already doing some light walking on my leg too, with an assist from the leg brace.
: Cheers!
: Biff
: : For those of you who don't know:
: : Biff's in surgery in Texas today for his knee. I think it would be AWESOME & appropriate for us rollerskaters to send all our positive vibes/energy/kharma whatever you want to call it to Biff today.
: : I've been doing it since I started work @ 5am this morning & hope it's working.
: : Thanks, everybody......
: : HEAL WELL BROTHER, BIFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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