Vertical Rollerskating


Message 7994 (5. Feb. 2009 17:32) (All next previous)

ireNe (videos by ireNe) (pictures by ireNe)
Editing posts
: : : I've got no idea at the moment how this should be done at the moment. The forum has no concept of read/unread posts. Do you mean the way your browser shows links already visited?
: :
: : Correct. It changes the color of links that have been read.
: I understand. This would require some JavaScript programming which I try to avoid like the plague. This opens a Pandora box of browser incompatibilities. I've got some JavaScript in the image browser which serves to show a preview of an image when you put the mouse pointer over the image numbers. However, this gimmick seems to be dysfunctional with the InternetExploder. And it's difficult for me to test this browser since I don't have it on my computer.

The color change occurs in Safari
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