Vertical Rollerskating


Message 8078 (11. Feb. 2009 13:04) (All next previous)

Sending Love Down Under.....
: Cheers to you all.
: : Oh man, this really sucks! I pray everyone makes it OK and all is well with you both. I may be small but I have a big heart so send my love to you all. Enjoy the rolling! As we can see, life is short, crap happens. Live it up while you can and enjoy every minute to the max. What a total a$$!!
: :
: : : Prayers and well wishes to all of you there. I hope that you and yours are safe. So happy that you will be skating together, it's great to share the love and healing and spirit. Please let us know how we can help. Glad y'all are alright. I hope they get those bastards.
: : :
: : : : Hey Jay,thanx man we apreciate the luv.Me and my heard were pretty safe,about 4 houses lost 300 metres away from our house,thats the closest it got and Ludi was'nt anyware near the fires.One of our regular skate crew's(big Daz) brother lost literaly everything he owned(house,cars,photos) bar the clothes on his back and the quad bike he escaped on.They are still finding victims,alone,families in cars and even huddled in sheds and the body count so far is nearing 200 so there may be more peolpe we know that have been hit by this tragedy.
: : : : It apears that the fires were purposly lit by,,I'm literaly stuck for words as to what to call these cunts.
: : : :
: : : : I'm skating with Ludi and hopefuly big Daz tonight so I'll keep you posted.,the skate crew are donating gear to be auctioned to raise money for those that have been hardest struck.
: : : : Thanx again for your thoughts dood.
: : : :
: : : : cheers joe
: : : :
: : : : : Hey Everybody.
: : : : : I'm sending much love & my very best wishes to Joe & Ludi & all their families & friends in Oz....
: : : : : Those fires look absolutely terrifying. I hope you guys are well & alright. Please let us know you're ok asap. Though I certainly understand you'd both have more pressing issues than the vert forum at the moment.
: : : : : Let me know if there's anything I can do from here stateside, Boys. I mean it.
: : : : : Joe, H., take care, Brothers.
: : : : : PEACE & MUCH LOVE............Jay

on behalf of us aussies, i thank yous most sincerely for your kind words and compassion shown.
were all good. too close for comfort though.
were already calling it black saturday.
to put it into perspective, 46.4 degrees c is about 125 degrees farenhieght. hottest day on record for victoria.
we bake in the south and queensland in the north is under flood water. australia really is a land of contrasts.
we are a hardy bunch, everyone is lending a hand to help those who lost the lot. pats on the back allround,i say.

on a lighter note, we enjoyed a good session at franger bowl last night. joe is ripping, im building back up to speed, and our newcomer karen is improving too, i saw her get some air in the small bowl, well done.

always remember what louise jordan once said, every knock is a boost.

big cheers, harry.

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