Vertical Rollerskating


Message 8085 (11. Feb. 2009 19:00) (All next previous)

biffsk8er (videos by biffsk8er) (pictures by biffsk8er)
Not fully padded?
Hmmm?! I disagree. I skate side stance with my legs pretty far apart and I find it helps me to propel myself, as well as to help stabilize myself. When I am coasting, I will bring them closer together and stand up more....helps me to rest. It my be an individual preference, though.

My 2 cents,

: BTW, on your pict rolling sidestance,
: your skates seems quite far apart from
: each other, it might be just atransient,
: but if it's not, if you can, maybe try
: to skate with your feet closer, you will
: get a better balance/feeling on bowls.
: zorg
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