Vertical Rollerskating


Message 8279 (1. Mar. 2009 01:26) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
Jay, did I win?
I donno, I think you might be ahead of mastery but I'm sure doing fantastic doing what I didnt think I was able to do! I must get a vid of me unicycling before I'm out of the uni spaz faze lol. I was going down the sidewalk, off it and couldnt stop turning so I started to go down the road into the cafe cause I cant control myself yet hahahaha. I must be so helarious when I'm riding!! I get lots of people stopping and watching and cheering me on. Its awesome!

Anyway, tomorrow I start work and I will be able to get an incredible uni from my job. I promised myself a cool present if I got my arm through all this crap and I think I"m succeeding very well! Thanks so much, Jay your the coolest!!

: : You can teach an old doggy new tricks. :-D I finally learned how to ride a unicycle today! I rode it on my own for 20-25 feet today. I wiggle for sideway balance and flail my arms and its a lot of goofy fun lol! Or did you beat me with the grinds? ;-D
: Hey Claudine.....I'm gonna go ahead & give it to you, Girl. You're learning a brand-new skill AND coming back from a major injury. I'm just trying to learn a new trick on skates I'm not totally used to yet.
: Congrats to you on the unicycle. I did get a couple of video clips of me today getting (& just for you, failing!) into a couple grind variations.....
: I'll post in a new thread......
: Keep it up. Wear ALL your Pads. You'll note I'm wearing ALL mine in videos.....
: PEACE...........Jay
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  • claudine: Jay, did I win? (27. Feb. 2009 03:31)
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