Vertical Rollerskating


Message 835 (31. Jul. 2003 20:05) (All next previous)

irene (videos by irene) (pictures by irene)
Holger Sander at the RhEINKULTUR Vert Jam in Bonn
: There has been a big half pipe contest at the RhEINKULTUR festical in Bonn on June 28./29. The big sensation for vertical roller skaters: Holger Sander (aka Beule) not only participated in the skateboard contest but also rode his very special roller skates. I post one first pic of him here and hope to create a page of the others.

Pretty nice ramp...more pics please!
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  • Bernhard: Holger Sander at the RhEINKULTUR Vert Jam in Bonn (30. Jul. 2003 00:12)
  • Go to the Vert-Skating-forum