| Maybe we can choose a weekend for the next year to celebrate a vert rollerskating meeting. I know that deciding "when and where" are really two problems.
The fact is that I'm sick of rollerskating alone.
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Yes, yes...
Last month, I got to session with great rollerskaters in Los Angeles. It has been 15+ years since I had the pleasure to skate with others like me. All together we were 5, the largest gathering ever! It's fun to see other styles and tricks, since every rollerskater does his thing differently and interesting to see what setups we choose to ride, it's just fun.
When?: Given so much advance, we should be able to plan a trip. We can suggest preferred dates and take a vote. For me coming from NYC, I would stay a week.
Where?: Indoor skatepark is the safest bet. If the weather is good, we can visit outdoor parks, too.