| : : : I redesigned my uni so the kids wouldn't mistake me for either a guy or girl.
: :
: : What are you if you are not a guy or a girl?
: : Eunuch? Hermaphrodite?
: Or (beware!) a roller skater?
lol, no I'm supergir!! :-D Dont they know a super hero when they see one? ;-D
So today I was riding up and down the steep hill here, kids chasing after me. And today one asked if I were a cop lol???????? Like a cop could do something on a unicycle? lol. Or am I looking big and bad nowadays lol?
But Doc said arm is fine. I'm going to the bowls tomorrow or Sat. I might join the Olney skatepark. Its 7 miles away, has a good street concrete section with corners to carve. All the bowls are an hour away and my car is on limited miles so I can rarely go now. Thats a lot better then the asphalt one here with just 1/4 pipes to launch onto boxes and no corners to carve.