Vertical Rollerskating


Message 8953 (20. Apr. 2009 02:03) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
going to the skatepark
Dont forget, 96a for me is like 98-99a for you big guys!!

: I'm going to go ahead and join the skatepark across the street. Its cheap and most importantly close and also open a decent amount of time. The other one I hear closes early if the guy has a date or they "think" it might rain and is closed for half the year. Here it is as it is now:
: Anyway, which wheels should I put on my skates? My cockroach wheels, 96a 59-60mm, are perfect for smooth concrete but too hard for the asphalt and bumps of the metal pieces on the bottom of the ramps. I'm probably going to roll and do some hops and some simple lip tricks on the 4 1/2 foot baby halfpipe.
: I have some BDS 62mm 95a wheels or the rainskates 59mm 85a, smaller but wider. Opinions?
: I'll be careful but I really want to skate!!
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