| : : You are so right on the best thing for injury prevention. I think I'm the only lanky rollerskater but I seem to be successful so far on bulking up. I'm going to be a skinny old lady lol I guess once I cant have fun as I disappear when I'm sedentary.
: You might want to try some of the protein body mass builders that health stores and body builder stores tend to sell. In combination with a good work out regimen, you can build up that skinny frame quicker! (I know....it will cost money you do not have....but when you do have it..!)
I already have protein powder which I've been drinking daily. But not sure if when its out, I can afford more as its VERY pricey.
It helps for protein, cal and it absorbs quickly after workouts. But I was also drinking this during/after the surgery. So what really works is exercise and extra calories! I seem to want to eat a lot more when I work out hard. But even so, I have to take in a lot more cal then one might think. I've sucked out all my fat stores already lol. I wish I knew a way to build muscle around my ribs. I think my metabolism slowed down a bit or something as usually I cannot gain muscle this quick. Or maybe I am doing something right! My uni has given me rippled abs for some reason lol. I've never had a hard stomach like this and I hate sit ups!!