Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9300 (21. May. 2009 15:50) (All previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
putting up my first videos
: : Claudine, it is definitely hard coming back after an injury. I have learned to replace my tricks with a lot of fast carving. I am starting to make progress and the key is to not worry about tricks and just have fun and get comfortable on your skates.
: Go at a pace that matches your comfort level.

OK, I guess I have to progress slowly. The only local skatepark is the kiddie one which has no bowls and is geared just for tricks. I guess I'll just ride the halfpipe and get comfy getting faster and going over the lip and slowly doing tricks. I go slow to stay within the ramp lol. Wish there were bigger ramps here but not really. Sucks. For me if I'm not going fast, my falls are like nothing since I'm light.
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  • claudine: putting up my first videos (20. May. 2009 20:05)
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