Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9416 (30. May. 2009 09:26) (All next previous)

biffsk8er (videos by biffsk8er) (pictures by biffsk8er)
protective gear - Post your pads
: Now, here's my other secret weapon. My under armor. These have saved my Ass?Hips?Thighs?TAILBONE!!! on more occasions than I can count!

I just bought some under armor! The day before, I took a fall to the butt in a 10 foot bowl. Not a hard landing, but it would have been nice to have a little padding. I'll try them out next Monday along with my new skateboard wheels. Let you know how it works out.
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  • biffsk8er: protective gear - Post your pads (27. May. 2009 19:59)
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